I can't catch a break today. I just spent half an hour writing a blog post about my awful morning and how I accidentally deleted a sixty-seven page report from the network and can't retrieve it, and how my only option at this point is to hope nobody tries to access the report and work on it at home at night to recreate it from the final draft hard copy, proofread like I've never proofread before it to make sure it matches perfectly, save it to disk and re-store it on the network.
But you can't read that post because Blogger crashed and I lost the whole thing. Naturally.
When everything is said and done, at least the day will have been sandwiched between two celebrations. Last night, I drank and sang the night away at Marie's Crisis, a fabulous neighborhood piano bar in the West Village, to celebrate Crash's birthday. I may have showed up an hour late, but I stayed to the very end, making sure the clock had struck midnight and it was officially his birthday. Who would have thought that the gay rugby team knew the entire score to Chess? K. even joined us after his evening show, and got to meet Crash for the first time. We had a great time. Happy birthday, Crash!
If I live through the next three hours at the office, K. and I are going out to dinner tonight to celebrate our one year anniversary. Technically, the anniversary is tomorrow, but K. has an evening show and I work all day. Since we met on a Monday night last year, it only seems appropriate. I can't believe how quickly a year has gone. I'm very much looking forward to our night out to celebrate. A nice romantic dinner, my boyfriend across the table, some wine...a perfect way to end a Monday.